Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Loose Weight By Avoiding White Sugar

Did you know that your weight loss goals might be hindered due to white sugar? In our newsletter tip we discuss the effects of white sugar and your health. CLICK HERE to be taken to our newsletter and let us know how you feel white sugar effects you.

Friday, September 19, 2008

First Bellydance Class - Bellydance Your Bun Bun Off

I'm so happy, looks like everyone enjoyed the first week class at Haiku Spa.

Hope everyone's bun bun was sore after leaving class. We did perform sweat checks to make sure everyone is sweating - so at least we know everyone received a great workout!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Bellydance Blogs Begin Today!

Well, Jade Fitness & Entertainment has done it! We've started a blog!

I'm excited to see what's out there. Bellydance has been around for over 3,000 years and it's finally becoming very popular (thanks Shakira and Beyonce'!)

Our classes have been quite popular as well.

We've decided to go a different direction this year and introduced "Bellydance Your Bun Bun Off" classes in our Chicago, IL location. Wow! is all I can say. Classes are packed AND we lifted, toned, firmed, and shrunk ladies bun buns - by the time the first 6 week session was done - you really could as the old expression goes "bounce a quarter off of your bun bun".

Didn't find one lady that didn't like that!


If you have some time, check out our website - it's www.jadethebellydancer.com