Friday, March 13, 2009

Why You Should Be On Twitter....


By now, you are familiar with the term or have heard it around - somewhere. Maybe you tried it and just didn't get this "Twitter Thing." Well, I'm here to help you connect the dots - from a health perspective.

Twitter is a mini - blog. The key is to post your post (also known as a "Tweet") in less than 140 words.

The key is to find your "niche." If you are into health - or interested in health, then you will want to use the "Search" function at the bottom of Twitter's page. This is different than the "Find People" tab.

Once you are on the search page, type in "health" or "bellydance" or whatever moves you.

When you find someone that you like (or who's posts you would like to know more about), you will want to "Follow" that person by hitting the "Follow" button under the person's profile photo. To see the person's whole Twitter profile in the search results, just click on the person's name and read their posts/Tweets.

But How Can This Help Me With My Health?
By "Following" people with like interests, this creates a virtual "support group" for where you are in life. If your goal is to loose weight or stay in the know about healthy "stuff", then "Follow" someone that posts great information pertaining to this subject. Converse with that person via Twitter to learn new "cool stuff"

You can always follow us (we'd like to think we are "cool" enough to follow): JadeBellydancer is Jade Fitness & Entertainment's Twitter ID

Other Cool People To Follow:

This list is to just get you started and is not an exhastive list of people that post great health information by any means. Check out JadeBellydancer under Twitter to see who we're following and vice versa for an idea.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions!


  1. Great Post Jade! Honored to be included =)@AndreaTannouri the @HolisticMamma

  2. It is an honor that you are so awsome!!

