Saturday, June 13, 2009

3 Rules Of Weight Loss

Recently one of my Twitter buddies (Twitter ID: EnzymaticThrpy) provided a great article on the "10 Rules of Weight Loss." After reviewing the article, I'm parring it down to 3 just because 3 things are a lot easier for most of us to remember and we at Jade Fitness & Entertainment feel the most passionate about these 3 because they will really help you loose weight.

Rule #1: Don't Count Calories
Unless you like math, don't count calories. Why? Because there are a lot of ways to consume 2,000 calories a day - not all of them good. A 2,000 calorie a day goal can be reached with great things such as salads, fresh fish, fresh fruits, fresh veggies, and tea, but it can also be reached with 3 cans of soda, slices of pizza, and trips to the "greasy spoon" for lunch. Point is, it's the food quality that counts - not the calories.

Rule #2: Artificial Sweeteners Cause Weight Gain
Put the diet soda down. It's not helping you win the battle against fat. Clinical studies show that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame cause other harmful health problems - and weight gain.

Rule #3: Snacks Are Good!
There's nothing wrong with a small (healthy) snack in between meals. It allows you to think more clearly and keeps you from devouring the first thing you get your hands on when you get home.

The original article that was the source of our inspiration -

Many thanks again to our Twitter buddy,
EnzymaticThrpy for "Tweeting" this article!

Thanks for taking time to read this blog posting. Feel free to comment or ask any questions below.

1 comment:

  1. Way to keep this information alive and kicking! It's so important to give people the proper information and tools to feel and look their best! Keep up the great blog is awesome :)

    -Kerri from Enzymatic Therapy
