Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ways To Fight Cancer

Did you know that there are certain plants that indigenous Amazon local natives use to fight cancer. One doctor named Leslie Taylor has taken on the task of researching every plant she could get her hands on (plus a few others) that local natives identified as cancer fighters. She has compiled an amazing reference guide called Rain Tree Nutrition. Not only does this amazing guide identify plants that could help fight cancer, some of the plants listed also fight colds, flu, reduces tumors and fibroid. To check out the whole list of plants CLICK HERE.

Below are a few interesting plants and their healing properties. If you know anyone that suffers from these aliments feel free to share this information.

Bitter Melon
Kills cancer cells, kills viruses, kills bacteria, prevents tumors and more. Since it is bitter in taste and flavor, local people add the fruit to soups. To kill some of the bitterness, locals may flavor it with salt. Bitter melon has many more properties and traits then listed here.
CLICK HERE to read more about this great fruit!

Kills cancer cells, kills tumor growth, kills bacteria (the cause of colds), and reduces fever. Natives usually eat the pulp and although it has a slightly sour taste, a lot of natives still eat the pulp straight. For more details -

Cat's Claw
Kills cancer, stimulates the immune system and reduces inflamation. Natives boil the root to extract the medicine. For more details -

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