Sunday, December 7, 2008

Record Broken For The Most People Belly Dancing Simultaneously

Gotta love bellydancing and its transforming effects!! Who would have thought that there WAS an original record of most people bellydancing to begin with? This article explores "The Guinness World Record" that has been broken in November 535 people bellydancing at the same time at the Malvern Theatre in Worcester, England. Think we could organize something like this in Chicago, IL? Well, maybe - Just not in November! CLICK HERE for full article!


  1. We should totally do this. It could be so much fun and why not add an aspect that will help out a worthy cause. I'm sure there are 600 or so women in the greater Chicagoland area that would love to work their "Bun-Bun's" off for a good cause and break a record in the process.
